Train your ESA Dog for flight: 10 things you need to make sure - 2021 Guide
The beautiful sunshine, lovely beaches, and the only thing missing is your emotional support animal. Don’t you just hate this? But wait, why not take the ESA dog with you on your trips. He would be a darling and help you through your issues even on vacation. This would allow you to safely enjoy the time without in constant fear of having a relapse. But the destination is one thing, the major part is how you would be transporting the animal with you. Even though an esa letter would be enough proof, you must make sure that since the dog would be in the cabin, he does not cause a fuss.
Controlling the unpredictable behaviour of animals is essential to a nice, safe, and carefree journey. So what are some of the essential steps to getting ready as well as making your pet trained for the flight? Let's have a look shall we and try to see what can be done
- First and foremost is that you must call the airlines so that they are ready for you. Since it is an uncommon request, they would have to look at the ESA letter which would allow your pet the entry. Inform them in advance about anything that you feel like and they would be willing to accommodate.
- Next, make sure you exercise the dog for an hour or so before the trip. You could take as much time as you usually do. The benefit of this would be that the animal would be tired for a while. As this happens, he would not be causing much of a disturbance on board. He would most probably fall asleep while you fly to your destination. Commotion is one of the relevant fears so you must be prepared for it. Your ESA dog needs to accompany you. That way, there would be the least mental stress for you on the trip.
- Secondly, avoid feeding the dog close to the journey. This is due to many reasons. First, the dog might have to face motion sickness and it could be really troublesome trying to calm it. Secondly, the dog may have to go to release the pressure which would also be not advisable. Try to give it as little water as possible mainly to wet the lips so he does not have to pee on the flight.
- Try to get an idea of how the dog tends to behave in front of people. This is because you would be traveling with so many passengers there are bound to be some thoughts running through the dog’s head.
- You must not give the animal any type of new treats before the flight. Just like humans, dogs may not be able to properly handle differences in diet and could result in a very bad situation. Keep on using the thing that your dog enjoys the most and usually takes. No experimentation within the 24 to 48 hours before the flight as symptoms can show up a little late. It could be diarrhea or something of the sort.
- Prepare a small bag with all the essentials of the dog in order to have an emergency backup. It could have its special playtoy to pass the time. A small blanket to remain cozy and having a small bowl to give it some water are the essentials that you need.
- Apart from the animal itself, there are some other essential things that must be done before you make the trip on an airline. First of all is the need for a letter. You must get it from an authentic source in order to complete the requirements. Check out a sample esa letter for housing. It would guide you what are the requirements and how the letter would look like in the end.
- Sometimes the dog may get anxious when seeing so many people around. You must be prepared for this and try to divert the attention to yourself so that it would have focused only on yourself.
- On relatively longer flights, there is a chance of a layover. Lucky for you, major airports would have dog-relief areas. It would be equipped with the essentials so that dogs can get easy for the next flight. You can locate these in advance by doing some proper research as soon as you get the flights booked.
- Finally, prepare in advance regarding the laws of the area where you are taking the animal. There is a chance that these might be different but you should do all in your power to make it as convenient as possible.
There you go. The above checklist would ensure that you could easily and happily travel around with you9r furry friend without anything to worry about. It all starts with getting a credible letter from a reliable source. Be aware of the big organizations claiming to have registration and certification features for ESAs. There is no such thing and no law that states that these should be done mandatory. The only paperwork you need is the letter that would be made by the licensed medical practitioner. It would be the seal of approval that would state your need to have an ESA with you at all times. You do not want to have a relapse of your disease as you are enjoying on vacation. Your friend would keep all the negative thoughts and triggers away from your mind as the time passes by.
Useful Resources:
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